Tuesday, March 11, 2014

S.A.D 39

random doodles, haven't been in the mood to draw lately... I think it's mainly because I take so long and it takes sooo much of my time

we just got some zelda and true detective draws, but nothing substantial

apologies on true detective, i dont do realism well
i wanted to capture their face likeness but its really hard how do people do it

True Detective season 1 ended, and while I thought the finale was weak compared to the rest of the show, FRIENDSHIP MATTERS MATE. I wonder if a lot of the people I consider friends still consider me their friend. Are we acquaintances now? Are we.. STRANGERS... AGAIN? WUAHAHAH
No but really, I don't really say someone isn't my friend anymore unless we disliked each other, otherwise if down the line we talk to each other in 5 years I'd still consider u my friend.

anyway im going to go play Stick of Truth now, catch u on the flipuh