Monday, March 31, 2014

S.A.D 49

Quickie S.A.D for you today/tonight ha ha ha

My bday was on Sunday! I did nothing! and I got no presents! But I did get a free burrito from Salsas so that was pretty good! ehuheuhehu

I haven't done a draw in like 4 days oh gosh but oh well I will try to draw more consistently when I can! I'm just really lazy again, lost all motivation oh god excuses.

I watched The Raid 2 on Saturday, that was pretty good!!! I liked the first more because it was more solid, simpler but The Raid 2 was still pretty good.

I did a birthday dinner/bar thing on Friday but all the plans went to shit so I don't really wanna talk about it. We did go to Kokoro Ramen though so the dinner wasn't a total bust!!

Uhh, I think I'm done here, I have uni today

empty [ by kz (livetune) ft. やなぎなぎ]

Thursday, March 27, 2014

S.A.D 48

VEGETA, but in my "style" 

spaceboy or something, I wanna work on this OC, just cos I want to start drawing some OC so I have more motivation to draw.

I haven't done much today, I had a driving lesson, I played diablo 3 reaper of souls.

I don't know what to talk about. 
Friday there's a joint bday party, perhaps pictures. (probably not)


Monday, March 24, 2014

S.A.D 47

Hello friends, just random draws today
I wanted to do something more... refined like yday but nah wasn't really in the mood.
My sketches are getting really stale though, I really need to do more dynamic poses with some more emphasis on perspective.

Todays "character" is based off of this model

I know I said I would do an MCR themed draw, but I was more inspired to draw this model than MCR huehuehHUEHUE.
Tomorrow though, I guess. Does anyone even want an MCR draw tho?

Anyway here's the new alice nine PV huehuehue:

S.A.D 46

Whoops this is super late (cos it's 5am the next day) but at least I did a S.A.D today.

Todays draw is Makino Tsukushi from Hana Yori Dango... well based off of Inoue Maos portrayal.

I hope you like it, the more I look at it, the more I'm annoyed.

It's actually my bday in a week, wowee!!

Also yday was the 1 yr anniversary after MCR broke up, wow 1 year already...

Maybe I should have done an MCR themed draw... maybe tmr (today)
Anyway I have a week break off of uni this week, so I should get motivated this week.

MCR song:

Saturday, March 22, 2014

S.A.D 45

Hello friends, I finally continue the redesign Sailor Moon characters in really static poses series. Todays is Lunas human form... oops i forgot to draw her cat form like I did with Artemis oh well

Not much of a redesign here but oh well!!

I've only done 1 S.A.D every 2 days this month!! Crazy, I should be more motivated to do these but... like.. I can't draw.. that well?????? and it makes me feel like shit but i guess practice makes perfect, or in my case, barely passable.

So I've been watching Kill La Kill lately (since yday) and I have to say wow it is perverted and unnecessarily so... could do with out that boob jiggle, or that spank, pls stop. But otherwise it's pretty enjoyable and fun for the most part, nothing amazing (like how people make it out to be) but still fun if u wanna turn off your brain or something.

Anyway I got like 2 pimples on my nose I'm gonna wash my face or something hope u liked the draw


Thursday, March 20, 2014

S.A.D 44

 random witch

Severa from Fire Emblem Awakening

Joker duh

more random doodles, getting back to the basics again whoops.

just too lazy to do anything substantial -lies on the floor-

I need to get motivated, I need to be like JGL once he realises what an asshat he's been in 500 Days Of Summer and stops moping around, I need to bounce that ball.
Next week, I have to, next week. NEXT WEEK! GET UP OUT OF BED

anyway, here's the new alice nine song huehuehue:

S.A.D 43


it's hard finding motivation past headshots since that's what I'm best at hahaha

I'm really hungry though man

I better do something in colour tomorrow, perhaps finish that sailor moon series


anyway goodnight

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

S.A.D 42

some teen wolf but also a draw that I think werewolves should actually look like (on the top left)

Batgirl? x monster hunter? heavily based on lagiacrus armour
it's so unrefined though but IT'S SKETCH A DAY NOT FULL FINISHED ART A DAY

anyway i hope y'all having a good day, i don't really have anything to write about...except i finished my rath soul armour hell yeah son

anyway son ima leave u with this song:

Monday, March 17, 2014

S.A.D 41

Hello friends
Here's todays (ydays) draw.
My friend chocopoo had to create a character or something for her assignment and I asked to draw her character because I needed some inspiration for today. I did redesign the character though o o o p s, but she said it was okay!!

It's a late post but hey at least I did something phew

I believe she's a "deer elf". Her original design was more...naturalistic? 

Anyway I had a bday party on Friday and slept over a friends place so I didn't get home for like 36 hrs hence why no draws but now I am back!!!

I've been playing monster hunter a lot lately and have been very mad at the material get rates because they are very low and FRUSTRATE ME BECAUSE IT'S ALL LUCK.

anyway thanks dangos for showing me this song:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

S.A.D 40

Headshots, all headshots

Just drawing random people today, nothing substantial again.

Not much to talk about today... uhh I've been playing a lot of Monster Hunter 3U...
Stick of trurth I haven't played in a couple of days so I think I may finish it tonight.



one of my fave jrock songs okay shhhh

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

S.A.D 39

random doodles, haven't been in the mood to draw lately... I think it's mainly because I take so long and it takes sooo much of my time

we just got some zelda and true detective draws, but nothing substantial

apologies on true detective, i dont do realism well
i wanted to capture their face likeness but its really hard how do people do it

True Detective season 1 ended, and while I thought the finale was weak compared to the rest of the show, FRIENDSHIP MATTERS MATE. I wonder if a lot of the people I consider friends still consider me their friend. Are we acquaintances now? Are we.. STRANGERS... AGAIN? WUAHAHAH
No but really, I don't really say someone isn't my friend anymore unless we disliked each other, otherwise if down the line we talk to each other in 5 years I'd still consider u my friend.

anyway im going to go play Stick of Truth now, catch u on the flipuh

Friday, March 7, 2014

S.A.D 38

Hello friends I am back.
This is a little late but as you know I am a slow drawer.

Todays post is Lupita Nyong'o and Elle Fanning in attire they wore for that Miu Miu show.
They be cuties and I draw the cuties.

Apologies on the weird hand placement/posing, but I'm still learning okay

Anyway, the more i look at this the more I realize how bad it is/how I should redraw some parts so ima stop looking at it.

Friends graduation ceremony tmr!! Hopefully i feel motivated to like blog abt or something

Oh so I started Watching Gurren Lagann, it's pretty funny atm.

hope u like

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

S.A.D 37

Hello friends, here is a draw for you.

I had a bit of fun drawing this, not the Green Lantern costume but her cute alter ego.

This character is an OC but may or may not be heavily inspired by Lupita Nyong'o.

I hope the skin colour is right, I have a really hard time with colours ok.

I really want to start working on less static/standing poses, but I'm embarrassed to even attempt it.

Anyway, right now I'm downloading both the WildStar MMO beta, and Gurren Lagann, both of which are like 15gb+ I think... yeeesh
They better be good I sware on me mum

Oh yeah I watched The Wind Rises on Friday... it was okay. Nothing special imo. From a technical aspect it had great animation but storywise? It was lacking. I didn't know when it was going to end, characters motivations seemed... robotic, it was weird.
People praise Ghibli a lot but this is one film where I think he kind of just made an ~average~ movie. Not bad, but average. I think it's worth noting though that this was supposed to be his final film, and a lot of the sentiment was in the film, through quotes and just the general setting. So it's more nostalgic and personal than anything Ghibli has done before.

Anyway here's the final installment of the Batman Arkham series...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

S.A.D 36

Timeline of what I'm gonna look like when I'm bald

Anyway I'm sorry I've lost motivation to draw every day, I've been feeling kinda meh lately so it's hard for me to make myself draw.

As I write this, I realize there's nothing to report on...
UHH.. on Friday I shall be coming to my friends graduation ceremony thingy, mayhaps pictures?!??
But mayhaps not

Livetune, always listen to livetune:

Sunday, March 2, 2014

S.A.D 35

Just some random doodles tonight, I've lost the groove of drawing everyday so I'm back to forcing myself to draw whatever before I get back onto the Sailor Moon ... "series".

Saw Dave Chappelle yesterday, he was great, as usual. Normally I would quote his jokes but I don't even remember the set ups or punchlines, I just remember it being funny

On another note, I think I have improved in drawing the past month. I'm still suuuper slow but I do have a better grasp on anatomy I feel.

Should I start watching Kill La Kill? I might.

Oh now I think I should have drawing some Twitch plays Pokemon stuff because this is a really cool pkm theme:

Pokemon draws tomorrow...