Friday, June 20, 2014

S.A.D 70


after... a month... of not updating... gomen... but to be fair i didn't have my wacom pen for like 2 weeks

I'm going to try and update daily again, as best as I can, and so for ideas I'm going to be participating in this drawing challenge for 30 days

This first challenge is to draw yourself or your persona, so obviously i drew myself... but ofc much more handsome... this took me like double the length i thought it would, I didn't realise how rusty i was at drawing, I can't even get face shapes right.

Tomorrows challenge is to draw someone I like, whether it be a celebrity, crush or s/o so that shall be fun... which celeb shall i draw hmmm...

in other news I'm rewatching Game of thrones from the very first season... I realised how little information I've retained... all the little plot details ha ha ha.

I've been at the internship for about... a month and a bit now? It's quite tiring, waking up and doing that hour and a half long commute.. how do people do it?!

Anyway some good music for y'all: