todays challenge was to draw my favourite game character and so I picked Link cos he's my little babu.
nothing else really to it, I just think Links a p cool guy.
The second pic is unrelated but Ben, Laura, Alvin and I made some nerdy superhero backstories for ourselves and I drew Laura who drew me (I'm a cyborg dude). She's a blood shaman and this is what I came up with ah ha ha however boring it may look.
In other news I just finished interning and some rly good news came out of it and so I'm actually in a really ((((positive vibe)))) right now and I don't need people bringing me down yo
I guess what I can say is that I'm working there now as an actual employee but I'm not full time but it's something so YELL HEAH.
The next challenge is to draw something that represents my favourite song...
anyway I'll leave you with No Shows: