some random styles today...
also new banner!!!
wasn't sure what to draw lately... need more inspiration!! I gained a lot of inspiration from the artbook I bought but now I think too many of my draws are too similar to those from the artbook so I'm trying other styles for now.... this time there's tons of inspiration from mlysza, which is an artist I've followed for a few years now!!
I'm sorry I haven't been drawing/keeping up with S.A.D's... I really got lazy after February D:
I'm on uni break though so hopefully I will push myself to draw most days!!
Sorry again for not really drawing that much, it takes me too long i sware 2 gad.
Plus it's already no longer sunday whoops.
And now some boring life/sappy stuff THAT YOU SHOULDN'T READ:
So I moved into a new place 2 weeks ago, but I haven't talked about it much...
It's kind of weird adjusting to living away from home. There are things I hadn't thought about before that have come up, or rather, I'm thinking about things I hadn't considered I'd think about, if that makes sense. You begin to think about things you took for granted, I thought I appreciated what I had, or what my parents had done for me. Regardless of my relationship with them, they did what they could. I realise now that I never truly put a lot of thought into what they did, but I see that now.
Adding to this is mothers day. We never celebrated any of those hallmark holidays at home, fathers day, mothers day, valentines etc. so it feels really foreign to me to do anything on those days.
Today I visited home (which I do every few days) for dinner, and waiting there was someone who had known my mother for several years. I thought about this person and why she wanted to see my mum today. When she was 12 she was abandoned by her parents who left her behind when they tried to make a successful business overseas. Spoiler alert: they failed. She still had family here but no one would look out for her. My mum met her when she came into my mums shop looking for a job, and ended up telling her her story. I guess my mum felt like she needed to help her. She gave her a job, some guidance, and now that girl has a family of her own. I never really knew her story until today.
I didn't really have an ending to this story, or know how to follow up from it, I just thought it was nice to mention. We argued a lot for some time, so I would get really angry when I thought about her.
But now if I'm going to think about my mum, I'll think about that story.
Anyway here's some Exo: