Monday, June 22, 2015


Hello friends

just an update on the last S.A.D and a Christian Bale portrait to celebrate Arkham Knight *chants*

Anyway... nothing... to... talk about???

Please listen!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Hello friends!!
So ff7 remake has been announced... what a time we live in... so wondrous...

Anyway I'm not good with line art or like finished art so I just stopped here
Swords are hard
Wings are hard
Colouring is hard

Anyway maybe I'll continue this drawing next time!!

Luv u Qrion

Monday, June 8, 2015


Hello friends

Just some more Furiosa sketches today.
She's way more fun to draw than Max so... yeah haha

Sorry for the roughness, I haven't drawn properly in a while so it feels weird haha.

I've been sleeping at like reasonable times and waking up at reasonable times lately...
It's pretty cool I feel like I'm a functioning adult

Anyway I'm out

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Watched Mad Max Fury Road the other day

I quite liked it.

I also watched When Marnie Was There yesterday. Didn't like that very much.

nothing to talk about even though it's been a couple weeks, sorry!!